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Transforming the academic library services for Generation Y using Knowledge Management Core Process

Writer's picture: Sharifah FahimahSharifah Fahimah


Information Resource Centre (IRC), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh, Perak


This conceptual paper aims to examine the roles of academic library in providing services for the new generations of users. The approach used in preparing this study was by reviewing the current users’ trends in using library services. The study finds that the academic libraries need to transform the way they provide the library services to attract the new generations of users. The academic libraries no longer have a monopoly on information sources, but libraries do offer value-added services, in a different way. Knowledge Management (KM) Core Process, provide answers to questions on how to transform the library services for the new generation. Knowledge management provides more effective methods of information handling, speedy transfer of information and linking of information with individuals and their activities. Libraries are the expert in collecting and organizing published information. This paper is intended to be an overview to assist knowledge management in terms of its relevance for library and information science professional. Development of information communication technology (ICT) and its applications in academic library and the concept of document management has been changed to information management and again the entire scenario of information management has started its change to knowledge management. This paper focuses on the concept of knowledge management and the role of library and information professionals in managing the knowledge in the digital environment. It also highlights the importance of library and information and knowledge professionals in the organizations such as knowledge creation, acquisition, preservation and sharing of knowledge for new generation.

Keywords: Knowledge sharing, information management, library services, generation Y, library transformation.


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Knowledge Management Unit.Information Resource Centre. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak Darul Ridzuan

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