UTP KM Project Glossary is the definition and summary of various project conducted by KM Unit, UTP
Filing System
UTP Filing System is the initiative by Knowledge Management Unit, IRC introduced in year 2010. The objective is to build the centralized record-keeping system for UTP. The proper filing system will help UTP in organizing files and records in systematic, efficient and transparent. It also helps all staff to be able to access information easily.
The filing structure are using keywords and color coding system.
Records Centre
UTP Records Centre was established in year 2008 located at Block G, first floor. In year 2013, the Records Centre had moved to Block K2, Ground Floor. The efficient handling of records, digitization exercise and effective disposition had saved more than 30% of space utilization. UTP Records Centre are now store more than 300 boxes with more than 45,000 volume of records. UTP Records Centre can store 2000 boxes with approximately 300,000 records. In year 2010, UTP Records Centre had started digitization exercise for more than 100,000 volume of hardcopy and the volumes of digitized materials are grown up to 10% yearly.
Institutional Repository (IR)
UTP Institutional Repository (IR) was first developed in year 2010. Eprints is the system use in indexing, categorizing and retrieving the scholarly publication such as thesis, final year project report and past year examination question. Currently the IR database are indexed total of 12,000 thesis, final year project and past year examination question. The platform can be accessed via The collection of staff scholarly publications can be accessed via with approximately 6000 titles of publications.
Scholarly Publication
UTP scholarly publication is the collection of students and staff publications compiled and and indexed in publication's repository system. The objective of this compilation are to support teaching and learning activities, audit and accreditation as well as enhancing university's visibility. The scholarly publications are include various category of publications such as Citation Indexed Journal Articles, Non Citation Indexed Journal Article, Book Section, Book, and other publication.
Academic Taxonomy
UTP Academic Taxonomy is the structure of knowledge built in year 2014, based on input obtained from experts in UTP engineering, science and technology syllabus. The structure revised from existing information structure use in library known as Library of Congress Subject Headings. The experts from all faculties had been mapped the terms use in book classification with terms and keywords use teaching and learning activities. The bridging process had been applied to ensure the correct terms and keywords use in indexing of books and classification of knowledge in UTP.
Corporate Taxonomy
UTP Corporate Taxonomy is the structure of knowledge developed in year 2013. The structure been constructed according to functionality in business operation in university. It comprises of ten (10) department (academic and non-academic). The knowledge structure are the pillar in UTP filing system, as well as use framework in electronic records management system in UShare.
Records Management and Preservation Guidelines RMPG)
Records Management and Preservation Guidelines (RMPG) had been endorsed by the Management Committee in year 2012.
RMPG is the guidelines for UTP in managing records for the university, with conformance to international standards and Malaysia National Archives Act.
UTP Corporate Memory
UTP Corporate Memory is the project to commenced in year 2010, to compile and obtained university's corporate memory materials from all department in UTP. It started with compilation of photo collection from university's event since year 1997. At the beginning total of 200 photo album been compiled and approximately 3000 pieces of photos been digitized.
In year 2017, UTP had officially launched UTP Corporate Memory portal, and in year 2019 UTP established using NeuCanvas as solution for corporate memory platform.
As for now, UTP have 35,000 collection of digitized content on corporate memory (video, speeches, interviews and narrative) and increasing 10% every year.
Records Management Services
KMU provides records management services to all department in UTP, supporting the proper university's records housekeeping, maintenance, storage, digitization and disposition of records. Records inspection, series of training, visit and consultation are among the services that KMU frequently offer to all department in preserving records.
Unlocking Knowledge
Unlocking Knowledge introduced in year 2017, to capture tacit knowledge of UTP staff (academic and non academic). There are series of programs conducted in Unlocking Knowledge project such as;
a) Leader's Insight : Interview session with former Rector and Vice Chancellors
b) The Catalyst : Interview with peoples involved in planning and development of the university since year 1994
c) The Retiree: Interview with UTP retirees started from year 2017
d) UTP Success Stories Series : capturing experience from peoples who are involved in successful project in UTP.
Retention of Critical Knowledge (ROCK)
Retention of Critical Knowledge (ROCK) is the project commenced in year 2018. The objective of ROCK is to preserved knowledge from research project since year 2002.
Research Journey is the activity conducted to keep track on project by research center and institute with compilation of research materials, resources and research outcomes (publications, experts, photos, posters and etc.)
Research Gateway
Research Gateway is the federated search engine and research knowledge platform developed in year 2017. Research Gateway are the platform to showcase UTP research outcome and promote research activities in university to public.
The search engine powered by VuFind are able to crawl and retrieve various connectors (research databases) from all over the world. The federated search engine are structured with systematic taxonomy built to assist effective browsing by users.
PERAK Gateway
Perak Gateway is the initiative introduced and developed by the Information Resource Centre, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, to support the state to share and contribute their information and data into the institutional repository (IR) for the benefits of the public.
Currently, the data and information are scattered and placed in various ICT platforms throughout the state department, agencies, city council, district offices, libraries, archives and museum. As such, it is difficult for public to have access to state’s information and data. This project shall provide a single hub which are effective, easily accessible, faster and accurate for the public and stakeholders.