UTP Records Management and Preservation is comprised
of four main function which play an integral role in the
university administrative, academic and research works as well as
serving the entire university’s community.
UTP Filing Structure is the process on identifying and capturing the skills
and knowledge in the university through the development of taxonomy
in each department in the university. This element is critical as it
will determine the retrieval of information and knowledge for user.
As continues effort, KMU had taken the roles to ensure the consistency of records management and preservation exercise by all departments internally. All departments had practiced the physical filing and records management system since year 2012. They successfully developed the functional structure of administrative matters, that being used in their departments.
Our UTP Filing Structure practice is using the color codes for our filing with the standard numbering system for all storage and filing methodology in the university.
Each department in the university will have at least one record officer who responsible for all the records management and preservation. As at 2018, in total we have 64 record officers and assistants with 37 departments and units.
UTP Record Centre, is the centre for all the university’s records kept, preserved and disposed according to the standard guidelines. Located at Block K, UTP Record Centre currently holds more than 2000 boxes of corporate documents from entire university. It comprises of personal, private, and confidential business information. The Records Officer from KMU are responsible in ensuring the secured environment, practice of preservation, destruction and disposition exercise carried out according to the guidelines.
Project of UTP Record Centre refurbishment started in January and completed in June 2013, had transform the records storage area into archive with conformance to international standards environment. During the process, PETRONAS Record Centre, National Archives Malaysia and SIRIM are the main reference bodies for all activities conducted in the UTP Record Centre.
UTP Record Centre completely following the UTP Records Management Policy in its records retention and standard filing storage, preservation and destruction to ensure the records cycle in the university is maintained seamlessly.
UTP Records Digitization and Disposal are two functions that is to secure and preserve our university documents for the future generations. UTP Records Digitization has first introduced in year 2010 for the purpose of ensuring the digital information will continuing the values and at the same time it remains accessible and usable for the university. As at 2018, we have 18 departments involved with this digitization practice with variety types of documents.
In the process of digital preservation and collection management, UTP has appointed the PETRONAS registered vendor to conduct the practice.
Whilst, UTP Record Disposal has first been introduced in year 2015 and it was the highest number of documents for destruction. The destruction process involves the vendor whom also a PETRONAS registered vendor, document owner and KMU. As at 2018, we have 14 departments involved in the destruction process. In UTP, every movement of the document is monitored and recorded for the purpose of document and work process safety. For this destruction process, the document owner must ensure complete listing prepared before the document collected for destruction.
UTP RMPG Inspection is our new initiative which first introduced in year 2016. This inspection is to monitor the practice of record management and preservation in departments and to assist university in providing a sufficient and appropriate record of the basis for the auditor's report in accordance with audit, and applicable legal and regulatory requirements. Apart of inspection, we also conducted workshops and engagement throughout the year to share and exchange issue and other related matter to RMPG, audits, etc.
Highlighted to all these initiatives, UTP managed to be certificate and recognize for its organizational knowledge and records documentation in SIRIM ISO9001:2015, other accreditation and certification such as MyRA, SETARA, MBOT, 5S etc. Apart from that, this Records Management and Preservation practice also resulted to huge impact in cost and space optimization to the university.